Проект ‪‎ПРОМІС‬ у 4х містах партнерах підтримує розробку програм просування продукції міст на зовнішні ринки‬

In 4 partner cities, PLEDDG supports development of promotion campaigns for local products in the external markets. In a couple of months, Gorischni Plavni, Kremenchuk, Melitopol, and Zhmerynka will receive relevant guidelines.

First, the Export Profile of each city will be prepared. It will describe the status and tendencies of export of local enterprises as well as their competitive advantages. Experts will carry out analysis of the business climate; determine key problems and obstacles in the process of entering external markets. Further, strategic directions and sectoral specialization of the exporters, scenarios of export development will be determined. The possibilities of financial support of programs implementation in each city will be detected; the budget will be prepared, specific activities and projects identified. The working group will develop the system for Program implementation monitoring and evaluation.

PLEDDG Senior Expert Valeriy Kokot commented on the importance of the development of such ambitious programs:

Valeriy KokotLocal authorities will create all conditions necessary for the development of small and medium entrepreneurship, including export. The search for partners abroad, standardization and certification of products in accordance with international standards, marketing research, logistics and other components of foreign trade often require considerable financial resources, extensive knowledge and skills of workers. It is difficult for small enterprises to become competitive in the external markets without any assistance; however, export, to a considerable extent, will allow to keep existing jobs and create new ones, attract innovations, modern technologies and investments in production.

A lot of Ukrainian exporters, for obvious reasons, lost access to the Russian market and now they need support in entering other markets, using existing opportunities and advantages, in particular those envisaged by free trade agreements. That is why PLEDDG Project is supporting partner cities in the creation of institutional framework for implementation of foreign economic initiatives and intentions of small business, which will allow to improve competitiveness of a city as a whole.”

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