Source: Poltava Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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On May 10-11б 2018, Kremenchuk hosted the international business forum “International Cooperation: Building the Future Together”.

The organizers of the Forum were Kremenchuk City Council, MU “Kremecnhuk Invest”, “Partnership for Local Economic Development” Project (PLEDDG), Poltava and Cherkasy Chambers of Commerce and Industry, and Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts.

Vitaliy Maletskyi, Mayor of Kremenchuk, Valeriy Holovko, Head of Poltava Regional Administration, and Yevhenii Kholod, Deputy Head of Poltava Regional Council, took part in the forum. The foreign participants from the Republic of Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Canada, and Ireland were represented by His Excellency Mr. Marius Janukonis, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Lithuania to Ukraine; Mr. Sigitas Leonavičius, Chairman of Lithuania–Ukraine Business Council, Chairman of Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts; Mr. Wlodzimierz Leszczynski, Advisor, the Consul for Economic Affairs of the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Kharkiv; Ms. Kadie Ward, Senior Governance Advisor of PLEDDG (Canada); and Mr. Gencho Genchev, the Mayor of Svishtov Municipality (Bulgaria). The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine was represented by Serhii Svystil, Vice-Chairman of CCI of Ukraine, and Mykola Selivon, Professor, Chairman of ICAC and MAC at the UCCI, Ukraine.

In the framework of the Forum, a plenary meeting and several panel discussions took place, namely “Export Development. Funding Opportunities for SMEs”, ““Efficient Investment Attraction Mechanisms. Industrial Parks and Special Economic Areas”, and “Ecology and Energy Efficient Technologies”.

One of the forum sections took place at the Kremenchuk Department of Poltava CCI – “International Commercial Arbitration in Ukraine and Related Court Procedures: New Opportunities”. The moderator was Mr. Mykola Selivon, Professor, Chairman of ICAC and MAC at the UCCI, Ukraine. He was moderating it jointly with Ms. Olha Kostyshyna, Advisor to the Head of ICAC and MAC at UCCI, Ukraine, and Mr. Volodymyr Nahnybida, Arbitrator at ICAC at UCCI.

The participants were welcomed by the Chairman of Poltava Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Volodymyr Oliynyk.The participants included experts in legal services of Kremenchuk leading companies as well as lawyers. There was an intensive business talk dedicated to issues such as alternatives to state courts, innovations of the procedural law on arbitration and arbitration courts, with a master class on  “Practices of Drawing up and Implementation of Arbitration Clauses in Concluding International Economic Activity Contracts”. The late closing of the section, about 17.30, indicated the relevance of the issue and the audience’s high interest.

At the wrap-up of the Forum, forum organizers received words of positive appraisal from the participants.