Source: The official website of Poltava City Council


On February 13, a session of the Committee on management of the implementation of the Poltava Strategy, created in the framework of PLEDDG Project, took place.

The session brought together the city’s managers, PLEDDG Project experts, city council deputies, managers of administrations and executive committee departments, specialists from MC “City Development Institute”, and public activists.

During the discussion, Head of Economic Department, Volodymyr Volik, reported on the performance of the Plan for Poltava Economic Development Strategy Implementation in 2018.

– The Plan for Poltava Economic Development Strategy Implementation for 2018-2020 includes 26 projects. The call for project concepts was announced, and anyone could submit their initiatives. Currently, there are 33 projects at the implementation stage, and three projects are being implemented in the framework of the Economic Development Strategy.

86708920_bc9051a2Керівник групи експертів проекту ПРОМІС Ігор Лепьошкін зазначив, що завданням Комітету є моніторинг якості виконання завдань, постійна підтримка актуальності Стратегії економічного розвитку Полтави на період до 2027 року.

They include: “Improvement of Activity of Administration Services Center at Poltava City Council”, Futuristic Art-center “Future is in All of Us”, “Creation of Inclusive Platforms”.

Ihor Lepyoshkin, PLEDDG Senior Expert, Head of Experts Group, noted that the Committee was tasked to monitor the quality of the assignments performed and to provide ongoing support to keep the 2027 Poltava Economic Development Strategy relevant.

– Executive Committee departments should include the proposed projects into municipal budget programs to be implemented. If there is no such possibility, the additional funding should be raised. This is so because we realize, budget funds will not cover the implementation of all the projects. The Committee’s task is to monitor the implementation of the initiatives and provide assistance.

During the session, City Council Deputy, Oleksandr Hlazov, noted that, for increasing efficiency factor and ensuring the shortest terms of implementation of as many projects as possible, it was necessary to create a platform to discuss initiatives, put forward in the Strategy directly with the administrations that would be working over their implementation or seeking additional implementation ways.


– It is necessary to organize the task team where each head of department responsible for any of 46 projects could report on the status of implementation thereof. It shall be an open discussion for that deputies and community could give certain recommendations or make amendments for achieving a good quality result that would ensure development of Poltava and Poltava citizens’ comfort.

For detailed discussion of the issues related to implementation of Economic Development Strategy, as a follow-up of the Committee’s session, an extended session of Advisory Committee on Efficient Governance and Development is taking place currently.

The agenda includes discussion of the implementation outcomes of PLEDDG Project’s initiatives in Poltava. Working in small groups, specialists discussed implementation results of the initiatives and projects making impact on the city’s development and action plan on ensuring stability thereof, etc.

NB: The decision of the twelfth session of Poltava City Council approved the 2027 Poltava Economic Development Strategy. The task team composed of deputies, NGO representatives, scientists, business people, and managers of structural units of Executive Committee considered the ideas of the Strategy’s projects, with further defining the Plan for Implementation of Economic Development Strategy.

Later, the decision of the fifteenth session of city council approved the Plan for Poltava Economic Development Strategy Implementation for 2018-2020.