У Вінниці розпочато розробку муніципальної програми посилення конкурентоспроможності малого та середнього підприємництваУ Вінниці розпочато розробку муніципальної програми посилення конкурентоспроможності малого та середнього підприємництваУ Вінниці розпочато розробку муніципальної програми посилення конкурентоспроможності малого та середнього підприємництва

Vinnytsia City Council works towards implementing a support program for SME, as set out in “Vinnytsia 2020” City Development. Strategy. The City Council started developing a municipal program for business competitiveness of small and medium enterprises. Apart from city council executive bodies, local entrepreneurs and PLEDDG experts are involved in the elaboration of the program.

On January 25, 2017, the first working group meeting on development of the SME Program was held. City Mayor Serhiy Morhunov emphasized the importance of local government lending support to SME development. According to Mayor, a series of activities will be undertaken to help achieve the goal.

“Over the past several years, many changes have been made in Ukrainian legislation, and, given the situation in the East of the country, the business sector changed its vector and crossed over into European markets. Therefore, it’s very important that both the government and professional institutions should provide methodological recommendations for competitive business advantages. The main objective would be improving the business environment, making sure that business views us as a reliable partner; facilitating an increase in competitive advantages both domestically and internationally by providing necessary information and networking”, said Serhiy Morhunov.

Valeriy Kokot, PLEDDG Senior Expert in Business Development, informed participants that a group of experts came up with some conclusions and proposals. He also went through the process and methodology of the program for business competitiveness of small and medium enterprises.

“We know that Vinnytsia is one of Ukraine’s leading regions. Currently we work with 16 Ukrainian cities, where we are trying to develop unique programs tailored to the needs and profile of each city. Vinnytsia has its unique character. According to a preliminary survey undertaken by PLEDDG, I can say that Vinnytsia inspires confidence. Moreover, it holds out reserves that can be used to lead the process of social-economic transformations and business development, and eventually become a role model for other cities as regards business development”, said Valeriy Kokot.

During the meeting, PLEDDG experts presented Vinnytsia’s business profile – a document featuring business activities in the city and government efforts to facilitate business development.

Experts will keep exploring the city’s business environment based on the results of the survey of entrepreneurs.

The next step of the program development will be choosing a strategy for business competitiveness of small and medium enterprises and drafting the document itself alongside an Action Plan, which will be developed as a series of individual projects. The Program will be developed in February-March. Once the document is finalized, it will be submitted to Vinnytsia City Council for consideration and approval.

A special working group will be set up to do monitoring and assessment of the efficiency of program activities in the course of their realization. PLEDDG experts will supervise program implementation until December 2020.