Семінар «Економічний розвиток регіонів: стратегія та інструменти залучення інвестицій та підвищення експортного потенціалу»Семінар «Економічний розвиток регіонів: стратегія та інструменти залучення інвестицій та підвищення експортного потенціалу»

Is Ukraine going to experience the investment boom? Or, perhaps, the current economic crisis in Ukraine and a military conflict in Donbas region have put in jeopardy the whole idea of a promising future for the investments in Ukraine? How can Ukrainian businesses attract foreign investment and mitigate off-putting factors despite the situation at hand?

These and many other questions were addressed on January 23, 2017, during the seminar “Region economic development: strategy and tools for attracting investment and raising export potential”, co-organized by PLEDDG project. The seminar gathered representatives of investment and export departments of regional state administrations and city councils, representatives of UkraineInvest and ExportPromotionOffice, as well as numerous international projects.

Among the special guests were Volodymyr Groysman, Prime Minister of Ukraine, Stepan Kubiv, First Vice-Prime Minister of Ukraine and Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Natalia Mykolska, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade and Trade Representative of Ukraine, Oksana Makarova, First Deputy Minister of Finance and Plenipotentiary Representative on Investment Policy. They spoke about about trends and aspects of government investment policy and shared their vision of development options and ways of promotion of investment activity in Ukraine and possibilities to realize its export capacity to the fullest. Representatives of both state administrations and city councils used the opportunity to start a fruitful dialogue related to investment and export activity, since it is the regions that can offer a lot to a foreign investor.

Oleh Voytovych, PLEDDG Senior Expert in Intergovernmental Cooperation and Economic Development, moderated the “Investment” panel discussion. The discussion centered around principles and standards of work with investors, development of an investment passport and investment teaser, success stories of other regions who managed to attract investors and ensure effective cooperation with them.