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Source: “Poltavshcyna” online media

The Poltava RSA hosted a two-day training on “Project Preparation for the State Fund for Regional Development”. The RSA’s Department of Economic Development, Trade, and Investment Attraction organized it jointly with Ukraine-Canada Project “Partnership for Local Economic Development” (PLEDDG).

— I express my thanks to PLEDDG project for their support of our initiative to hold such an event, and we are always open to cooperation with our Department, — Ms. Inna Ischenko, Director of Department for Economic Development, told the attendees. — It is your brand, dear participants; these are your future infrastructure projects so important for your communities. Please, note that the pre-qualification of projects for the year 2018 has been closed already, and I am looking forward to your bright projects taking part in pre-qualification for the year 2019. We will select the best ones, which are to be implemented next year.

Inna Ischenko noted that the advantage is given to the projects that are of innovative, comprehensive, and developmental value. That is why such initiatives like repairs of a roof or sewage pipes replacement and alike have become a thing of the past.

Natalia Shatskykh, from Kremenchuk, expressed gratitude to the organizers of the seminar on behalf of all the participants. As a Head of the Department for Social and Cultural and International Projects of the “Kremenchuk Invest” Municipal Utility of Kremenchuk City Council, she said:

— We strive for development of our city because we love our city. The seminar has provided us with the necessary tools: how to develop projects and what kind of projects they should be. After all, it is not only about the development of Kremenchuk but also of the entire Poltava Region. I am thankful to Inna Ischenko and Iryna Dudka for the high level of the event and for the friendly atmosphere. And for the practical focus as well. Our trainer, Vasyl Kashevskyy, deserves special acknowledgement for his clear and structured delivery of information on SFRD and related projects. Our first idea, — and there are lots of them — is about the promotion of the Kremenchuk city products to external markets. As part of the strategic plan for Kremenchuk city development by the year 2020, we intend to create “The Agency of Support and Development of Export”. At this seminar, I received helpful tips on writing such projects. Besides, I have had important questions answered: what kind of mistakes one can make and how to avoid them.