Source: Vinnytsia information portal Vezha

Новина 3_1City Rehabilitation Center “Harmony” employs people with disabilities in different occupations such as manicure master, master of hand-made products, and recently baristas.

The project ” Social Engagement of People with Disabilities” was initiated by public organization “Harmony” last year. Then the center opened nail salon “Dandelion”, where girls in wheelchairs Julia Vorovska and Natalia Vydaiko are now working. Lyudmila Kapelista who knits doilies and toys and makes beaded jewelry also joined the project. And now people with disabilities are assisted in mastering the occupation of barista.

The story of UA: Vinnytsia video tells that trainings lasted during two months. People with disabilities learned the specifics of different professions, ways to start own business and how to organize document flow. Students also took practical lessons using professional equipment.

One of them was 26-year-old Yuri Gorbach. The story tells that he is a migrant from Donetsk and studied at Stus Donetsk National University at the philological department. However, during rehabilitation in the center “Harmony “(Yuri has problems with the musculoskeletal system), he decided to take the opportunity and learn a new profession, and now he is a barista.

“We decided to break stereotypes and prove that people with disabilities can work the same way as others, provide the same services and work full time”, – said the project Manager Lyudmyla Netskina.

Thus, Yuri Gorbach is one of those who will serve coffee breaks and is now preparing to go to work. Coffee machines will be installed in one of the shopping centers of the city. They will also sell decorations of handicrafts master Lyudmila Kapelista.