Source: Zaporizhia Regional State Administration

The regional state administration launched a two-day training workshop on the environmental assessment of documents. The event was attended by the Acting Head of regional state administration Ella Slepyan, PLEDDG Project experts and consultants, members of Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Cherkassy, and Kherson state administrations, and representatives of non-governmental organizations.

“Today’s training workshop is held by our partners – “Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance” Project. PLEDDG Project has been successfully cooperating with Zaporizhia state authorities since 2016. For three consecutive years our partners have been assisting in shaping the small entrepreneurship concept and developing the 2020-2027 regional development strategy. The existing environmental assessment strategy is undergoing further development. Following last year’s review of methodology materials by the experts, this year will mark practical implementation of their comments and suggestions. Still, the environmental burden remains among the most topical issues for many regions of Ukraine”, stressed Ella Slepyan while opening the training workshop.

The training participants reviewed such issues as the legislative framework of SEA, the principal provisions of the law of Ukraine “On Strategic Environmental Assessment”, the experience of implementing SEA strategies for regional development, identification of key issues protecting the environment and public health, integration of SEA intro the process of developing regional development strategies, the assessment of state planning documents on the environment and others.

The workshop included a practical part, group training, discussions, question and answer sessions etc.