On April 22-29, 2020, PLEDDG together with Vinnytsia Oblast State Administration and Center for Advanced Training of Vinnytsia Oblast held a basic training on local economic development (LED). More than 20 representatives of local governments from all over the region took part in the training.

The nine-day training for officials was held as part of a special professional training program for civil servants and local government officials in the field of LED. The program was developed by PLEDDG Project the framework of a Memorandum for Cooperation with the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.

“I participate in the training under the program of the Center for retraining and advanced training of employees of state authorities, local governments, state enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Vinnytsia oblast. I am grateful that PLEDDG invited me to participate in the training program and gave the opportunity to gain new competencies”, Lyudmila Ravlyuk, Director of Ladyzhyn Agency for Local Economic Development, a participant of the training, writes in her Facebook post.

During the training, participants discussed such topics as LED basics, democratic governance, methodology and modern practice of strategic planning, investments as a LED tool, support for small and medium-sized businesses, marketing and branding of territories, mechanisms of LED funding, monitoring and evaluation of results.

The offline training module and the certificates awarding are planned to be conducted after all quarantine restrictions are lifted.