The International Mayors Summit is an annual large-scale event bringing together local government leaders and local development experts at a global level for knowledge exchange and discussion of the latest trends and innovations in urban development.

On November 24, 2017, the city of Ivano-Frankivsk hosted a creative session on “City Branding Projects” in the open space format. The event was organized in the framework of Ivano-Frankivsk City Marketing Strategy development, put in place with PLEDDG Project expert and financial assistance.

On November 22-23, 2017, PLEDDG Project held a two-day Inclusive Business Development Conference with the aim of raising awareness of representatives of Ukrainian cities about modern approaches to inclusive entrepreneurship development. The founders and managers of small and medium-sized enterprises, representatives of the central authorities, local self-governance bodies, civil society organizations, the Embassy of Canada to Ukraine, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, international technical assistance projects, and leading international and Ukrainian inclusive business development experts participated in the conference.

On October 17, 2017, Poltava hosted an International Economic Forum titled “Poltava Region: Creating New Opportunities Together”. The Forum was organized with the support of PLEDDG Project. Its main goal was to foster international economic integration development, business networking, demonstrate an economic and investment potential of Poltava region, its current capacity and prospects for development, raising region’s competitive ability both at the national and international levels

(Українська) 27-28 липня 2017 р. у м. Києві відбувся тренінг для представників ЗМІ з міст-партнерів Проекту ПРОМІС на тему: «Журналістська діяльність, що заслуговує на довіру й повагу: нові та традиційні медіа-технології, робота з посадовими особами органів місцевого самоврядування».

In the spring of 2017, AUC jointly with PLEDDG Project announced a call for short-term gender initiatives, which will enhance women’s involvement in local economic development processes. The total budget of the funding within the call is worth UAH 600,000.00. A specially created committee selected 8 projects out of 38 projects received, which will be launched as early as July 2017

As part of PLEDDG Project, from May 27 till June 5, 2017 mayors of 6 PLEDDG partner cities were in Canada on a local governance study tour. The aim of the study tour was to showcase Canadian good governance models and best practices, with a particular focus on the rule of law, strategic planning of city development, citizen engagement, favorable business climate and local economic development.