In May 2019, Vinnytsia unveiled a new city brand created under the auspices of PLEDDG. The brand concept is encapsulated in the slogan “Vinnytsia – a City of Ideas”. The designers aptly highlighted the fact that Vinnytsia is a city with a tremendous potential where any ideas can flourish into a successful business or public initiative in a comfortable and friendly setting.

Business Women’s Space is the first co-working center committed to supporting social innovations, women’s entrepreneurship and startup campaigns. Since it opened in Zaporizhia in 2019, it has had more than 700 visitors during its first 8 months. The co-working space was created by the NGO Center for Career Development “Professionals” under the auspices of the Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance international technical assistance project (PLEDDG) through its SME Development Fund

As part of the decentralization reform, Ukraine has already created near 800 administrative services centres. One good example is the administrative services centre of Poltava City Council, which increased the number of services offered to clients 20 times, and the number of administrators 5 times over the past 7 years alone. A number of particularly important upgrades have been implemented with the financial support of the PLEDDG Project as part of the Democratic Governance and Development Initiatives Support Fund.

Owing to cooperation between Zaporizhia City Hall and PLEDDG in supporting the city development strategy, the community of Zaporizhia has finally been heard about a poignant issue – the environment. As full-fledged participants of the strategic planning process, local residents and NGO representatives insisted that environmental aspects be considered in the continued development of the city.

(Українська) Упродовж останніх чотирьох років Проект ПРОМІС у співпраці з Асоціацією міст України активно діє в напрямі впровадження гендерної рівності в Україні. Практичним інструментом реалізації політики рівності на місцевому рівні сьогодні стала Європейська хартія рівності жінок і чоловіків у житті місцевих громад. В Україні першим підписантом Хартії стала у 2017 році Вінниця, місто-партнер Проекту ПРОМІС. На цей час до неї приєдналися вже понад 60 українських міст

Ukrainian society has been faced with a major challenge for several years now: finding a way to help those who lived through the war.The PLEDDG Project has also been engaged in supporting veterans and within PLEDDG SME Development Fund provides its resources to encourage initiatives to assist veterans of the conflict in gaining the necessary qualifications and finding suitable work.

In 2019 the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council approved the city brand. The search for a suitable logo was not easy for the city’s residents and took several years. Success in this important process was made possible through cooperation between the city and PLEDDG Project.