Kolomyia implemented 12 projects with PLEDDG financial, technical, and advisory support. They included development and application of instruments for open governance, small and medium entrepreneurship development programs, improvement of the quality of administrative services provision, etc. Today, the results of implementation of all the initiatives were discussed and analyzed at an extended session of the Advisory Committee on Effective Governance and Development created for implementation of PLEDDG Project in Kolomyia.

(Українська) Представники ІМІ долучилися до тренінгу журналістів Вінниччини, щоб обговорити найбільші виклики та проблеми професії напередодні виборів. Медіаекспертка ІМІ, фактчекерка проекту StopFake Олена Чуранова та представник ІМІ у Вінницькій області Антон Булгаков виступили в ролі тренерів у спільному проекті ПРОМІС (“Партнерство для розвитку міст”), Інституту масової інформації та StopFake.org – “Журналістська діяльність, що заслуговує на довіру й повагу: нові та традиційні медіатехнології, робота з посадовими особами органів місцевого самоврядування”.

Myrhorod held a task team session on drafting of a Myrhorod Marketing Strategy. PLEDDG consultants Volodymyr Proskurnin, Dmytro Konyk, Valentyna Zatyshniak, and PLEDDG Regional Coordinator in Poltava region Iryna Dudka provided assistance in building the Strategy’s structure, defining basic information products, key messages, and in choosing communication channels. PLEDDG consultants summed up the thoughts worked out by the participants of the previous sessions and presented the ideas about achievement of the strategic aims of the Myrhorod Marketing Strategy.

One of the most effective and efficient Canadian projects is an international technical aid “Partnership for Local Economic Development and Democratic Governance” (PLEDDG), which seeks to strengthen the municipal sector in Ukraine. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has been implementing PLEDDG Project since April 2015. The project is funded by Global Affairs Canada.

On January 16-17th, Vinnytsia hosted a study tour dedicated to the provision of high quality administrative services and operation of administrative service centers. The study tour took place in the framework of PLEDDG Project. The event saw a sharing of experience in open democratic governance, high quality administrative services provision, and operation of administrative service centers.

Today, on January 16, the fourth session of the task team took place. Opening the session, Yulia Doinova, Deputy Mayor, noted the efficient joint work that was going on over the shaping of Berdyansk’s positive image and building the brand of the city.