On October 31, a thematic meeting on “Berdiansk as a Year Round Attractive City” in the framework of the development of Berdiansk Marketing Strategy, took place in the “Open Space” format. It was held by experts from “Partnership for Local Economic Development” (PLEDDG) Valentyna Zatyshniak and Larysa Olenkovska, Ihor Lepyoshkin, PLEDDG Senior Expert, Head of Experts Group, and Svitlana Kruhliak, PLEDDG Coordinator in Zaporizhia Region.

Melitopol local government keeps working on the elaboration of a 2030 city development strategy. Yesterday, PLEDDG Project experts had a meeting with representatives of the local youth to talk about the future of Melitopol, namely what Melitopol would look like in 10 years’ time. The young people were actively participating in discussions.

Zaporizhia City Council hosted a seminar on “Access to Public Information in Self-Governance Bodies and Utility Companies: Practical Aspects”. The meeting welcomed specialists from legal services agencies of municipal departments and representatives of Zaporizhia region territorial communities. They had a talk on how to implement the law “On Access to Public Information” at local level.

Experts from NGO “PRAVO” had a meeting with representatives of the local youth who agreed to enroll in a training program and become city tour guides. This idea is a component of the “Khmilnyk for Tourism: Breaking the Ground” project currently implemented in Khmilnyk.

With the financial support from PLEDDG Project, in the city of Khoral, Poltava region, a gender initiative «Women’s entrepreneurship in a small town: ideas and practices» kicked off. The initiative is aimed at facilitation of women’s participation in local economic development and encouragement of women’s entrepreneurship.

On October 12, with the support from PLEDDG Project, the third Integration and Cooperation International Forum took place in Zaporizhia. The aim of the Forum was to enhance amalgamated territorial communities’ capacity for economic development through implementation of international experience as well as facilitation of internal and external cooperation between communities and companies.

The Poltava Regional Academic Ukrainian Gogol Theater of Musical Drama hosted the Forum “#Investment Poltava Region Dialogue Platform”. The event welcomed the participation of Valeriy Holovko, Head of RSA, Inna Ischenko, Director of Economics, Trade and Investment Attraction Department, representatives of Ukrainian and Canadian Project “Partnership for Local Economic Development” (PLEDDG), Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, and “UkraineInvest” Office of Investment Attraction and Support, local authorities from Poltava, Vinnytsia, and Zaporizhia regions.

(Українська) Більше ста п’ятдесяти мерів та їх заступників з різних міст України, а також їх закордонні колеги з 10 країн світу зібралися у Києві на Міжнародному саміті мерів. Окрім представників міської влади, на заході були присутні експерти з місцевого розвитку та представники інноваційної бізнес-спільноти

The Agreement on Implementation of the Project “Solid waste sorting as a key to the cleanness in Zhmerynka” was signed between the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Executive Committee of Zhmerynka City Council in the framework of the Project “Partnership for Local Economic Development” (PLEDDG Project).